Throughout his life, Roberto has sought unique and novel terroirs and crafted extraordinary wines in Italy, Mendoza, Napa, and Mallorca. In 2018, during an unplanned visit to Salta, Roberto stumbled upon La Finca de Los Viñedos Imposibles in the Pucará Valley. It didn’t take long for him to realize that he had discovered an unparalleled terroir, not only because of the quality of its soils, altitude, climate, and orientation but also for the ancestral history of the place.
He immediately dreamed of creating a legendary wine for the world, a tribute to the spirituality and history of the location, reflecting every stoned Inca fence and each ancestral secret of the Pucará Valley.
Roberto began experimenting with his team of Italian agronomists and the team at La Finca de Los Viñedos Imposibles, implementing new soil-management and fertilization techniques, adjusting pruning and leafing, and controlling yields through green harvesting. At the winery, he has worked relentlessly with Santiago Achaval to refine their winemaking techniques, aiming to capture the unique character of the Pucará Valley grapes. Tenaz has been his tireless quest for a legendary single-varietal malbec.
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